
Students may submit a petition to the college for any of the reasons listed below. The College Petition form can be completed and submitted online. Instructions are included on the form. Petitions are reviewed weekly, and students will be notified by email of decisions. Incomplete petitions will not be reviewed. Complete petitions that are submitted by 5:00 on Monday will be reviewed on Thursday. Petitions requesting an additional drop, dropping a class after the deadline and/or withdrawing from all classes after the deadline must be submitted by noon on the Friday before the last day of classes of the current semester. Click here for the College Petition form: College Petition

Petitions to drop a class after the deadline will be considered ONLY if the student has not taken the final exam.

INNOVATION ACADEMY: Fall Course Petitions

Innovation Academy students who wish to take on-campus Engineering courses in the fall should not use the College Petition form above. Instead, please use this form. Consult your assigned academic advisor if you have questions.

Medical petitions

Petitions based on documented medical issues are heard by the Medical Petitions Committee housed in the Dean of Students Office (DSO) in Criser Hall. Your engineering advisor can provide guidance on how to submit these petitions, or you can work directly with DSO.

Download the medical petitions forms and instructions: Medical Petitions

Summer requirement waiver petitions

The summer hours requirement may be waived for students who complete an internship, research or study abroad program in the summer term. the requirement may also be waived for military service, documented financial hardship, or other extenuating circumstances. This is a short-form petition. It does require documentation and your major department’s support.

Do not submit the petition until you have completed your internship, research or study abroad.

Download the summer waiver petition form: Summer Petition

Other student petitions

Petitions that do not fall under the purview of college or medical petitions are heard by the University Student Petitions Committee. The committee meets every Tuesday, and reviews complete petitions that are submitted by the previous Friday. Please talk with your Academic Advisor if you have an extenuating circumstance that might warrant a petition. Download the Student Petitions form.

These petitions require an Interviewing Officer Statement from your academic advisor. Completed petition packets should be submitted to the advisor to forward to the committee.