Your TruRewards Mastercard credit card is the card that pays you back with rewards points, has low fixed rates and comes with all the digital and contactless payment options you would expect from a credit card. Learn more about all the benefits TruRewards cardholders enjoy.
Add your credit card to a digital wallet of your choice to make fast and secure payments in store, in-app or online.
Contactless PaymentsOur credit cards are equipped with contactless payment technology. To pay quickly and securely at retail stores, tap your card on the contactless symbol at the checkout register.
Real-Time NotificationsWhen you provide us with your mobile phone number, we can text you fraud alerts for your Banner Bank credit card. Simply reply Yes to confirm your credit card activity or No for unauthorized transactions. Text messages come from short code 86975.
Credit Card Fraud NotificationWhen you provide us with your mobile phone number, we’ll text you if we notice suspicious activity on your card. Otherwise, we may contact you by phone if we detect suspicious activity.
Interactive DemosWe have step by step demos that walk you through how to quickly and securely access your credit card online to make payments and more.
Client Support 24x7 customer service at 855-891-4821.If you are not eligible for the unsecured credit card, we may consider your application as one for a Deposit Secured Credit Card. If you accept the offer, you will be provided the Secured Credit Card Security Agreement by your banker. This program requires securing the credit card by a Banner Bank deposit account with a balance at least equal to the desired credit limit ($300 to $5,000), and the execution of a separate security agreement. Annual Fee for Deposit Secured Credit Card is $25.