Idaho Library Science Degree Programs - 2024 has analyzed data from 12 schools who offer degree programs in the field of library and information science.

Filter schools who offer Library and Information Science degree programs in Idaho by field and degree level. Additionally rank each school by in-state and out-of-state tuition, admission rate and graduation rate.

Department of Education Seal

Dept. of Education - 2024

Schools Listed Filters Rank Schools Apply Filters Clear Filters Licensing Guide Education Options
Academic Librarianship
Children and Youth Services
Library Management and Administration
Library Media Specialist
Public Librarianship

Library Science Schools in Idaho

College of Western Idaho Nampa, ID 1st for In-State Tuition $3,336 IN-STATE TUITION $7,344 OUT-OF-STATE TUITION

School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist.

Part of category: Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas.

Degree Levels Offered

Salary 1 Year After Graduation

Associate's Degree Not enough data

Field listing may be listed due to the school having programs in the following fields:

Institution Specifics/Quality

Type of Institution

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Not enough data


Average Cost (tuition, fees, books, supplies and living expenses - minus grant/scholarship aid):


Not enough data

Average SAT Score:

Average SAT Reading Score:

Average SAT Math Score:

College of Southern Idaho Twin Falls, ID 2nd for In-State Tuition $3,360 IN-STATE TUITION $6,840 OUT-OF-STATE TUITION

School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist.

Part of category: Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas.

Degree Levels Offered

Salary 1 Year After Graduation

Associate's Degree Not enough data

Field listing may be listed due to the school having programs in the following fields:

Library and Information Science.

Part of category: Library Science and Administration.

Degree Levels Offered

Salary 1 Year After Graduation

Associate's Degree Not enough data

Field listing may be listed due to the school having programs in the following fields:

Institution Specifics/Quality

Type of Institution

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities