Maryland podiatry license application

Maryland State Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners
4201 Patterson Avenue, Room 310
Baltimore, Maryland 21215

Renewal Instructions:
This is your renewal package for the 2024 through 2025 renewal period. Our renewal application has changed. Please carefully read and complete each section of the renewal application that pertains to your licensure type and return it to our office before December 1, 2023. You may renew only if you have completed your continuing education requirements by December 1, 2023. Your signature on the application attests to the successful completion of the required hours by the deadline. Submission of any false statement regarding continuing education may result in formal disciplinary action by the Board.

Your application must be fully completed and signed in order to be processed. Incomplete forms will be returned and will cause your renewal to be delayed and subject you to a $250 late fee if applicable. Applications that are not fully completed, signed, OR ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD before the due date will subject you to additional fees and possible disciplinary action. Practicing without a current active license is a violation of the Podiatry Act and could result in disciplinary action, including suspension.

Address: The Board must, by law, have a valid MAILING AND EMAIL address for you. The address you provide is the “address of record” that is available for public information requests and the address to which the Board will forward all correspondence. The Board does not send licenses to post office boxes. You must provide a street address. Please provide a telephone number where you can be reached during the day in the event the Board needs to contact you regarding the processing of your application.

Continuing Education: The Board’s Continuing Education requirements have been modified for this renewal cycle of 2024-2025, based on the recognized hardship and safety issues ensued by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A licensee shall complete not less than 50 credit hours of continuing education accrued during the 2-year period from December 1, 2021 through December 1, 2023.

ALL 50 CME credit hours may be obtained in-person or online, including the 3 CME credits awarded for CPR for a current non-lapsing certification, however, 25 CME obtained credits must be directly related to the practice of podiatric medicine.

All course work submitted to the Board must be pre-approved by the Board. The Board may not accept a submission for continuing education credit of less than half an hour duration.

Licensees must complete the enclosed “Statement of Continuing Education Courses Completed for License Renewal” form. You need only list the name of the course, the sponsor and location, the date completed, and the number of credit hours. Only Board approved CPR certification sponsors could be listed for the mandated CPR/BLS certification. For this licensure period only, the hands-on skill set for the CPR recertification may be waived, if the course if obtained online. Do not submit course completion certificates. Licensees selected for a continuing education audit will be identified or notified for such.

Not all courses and programs are accepted by the Board. The course or program must be designed to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge and ability to treat podiatric patients and it must be offered by a Board approved sponsor. Board approved sponsors sometimes offer courses that are not clinically related and may claim the course is Board approved though it may not be approved.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the course qualifies for continuing education credit. If you have questions about whether a course will meet the continuing education requirements, please contact the Board via email at, or Please also remember that a licensee must maintain accurate records of continuing education courses or programs for the preceding 5 years, and must make the records available to the Board or its representatives upon request.